This is a picture of my best friend, Becka and I. My eyes look amazing in it and I didnt even edit it. We were outside at lunch today and she begged me to take a picture with her. What you don't see is that my mouth is full of pop corn. Haha.
Junior year so far has been going great. Excpet I switched out of Culinary Arts and into Early Childhood Education. It's so much more fun. I get to play with the little kids in the high schools day care and then we get to do crafts. Before we go in to play with kids we have circle time and we play little kid games. It's fun.
I just learned today that I can graduate early. I can graduate in January 2010, which is the end of 1st semester, instead of June. I feel like I really would like to do this to get a head start but I'm not too sure because I can't walk with the rest of the class. All I get is my diploma.
I applied to Laconia Athletic and Swim Club today. They pay $9 an hour and my Becka works there too. She put in a good word for me and they are considering it.
its so funny how much you look like your dear old mom
that is a really nice picture....your eyes look gorgeous....you look very pretty....
who is this anonymous person....?
whom ever it is...thank you.
you hold your popcorn very well! I also think you look great in the picture and your eyes are the bluest eyes I have ever seen! And your mom's right you do look so much like her!
i was just kiddin...she looks like her father
My cheeks are naturally chubby so you cant really tell I have food in there anyway. Aha.
Maybe peoples cheecks arent naturally chubby but my cheecks have been chubby all my life so its natural to me!!
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